KIE Metrics


The Kinesthetic Intelligence Education (KIE) students’ assessment encompasses a comprehensive evaluation structure with six distinct components. These components are intricately formulated based on data collected from students during the weekly KIE classes. The classes, characterized by changing character development themes based on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), introduce variety and depth to the students’ experiential learning. Within the typical school term, these character themes shift on a weekly basis, providing a diverse range of contexts for students to engage with. This dynamic approach ensures that students encounter a breadth of experiences, contributing to a holistic development of their kinesthetic intelligence.

The source data, crucial for this assessment, is collected promptly in the field with the collaborative effort of the school’s regular class teacher during the KIE classes. Once gathered, this data undergoes a subsequent phase where it is transmitted to the administrative office staff. Here, it undergoes a meticulous process of analysis and transformation, resulting in the derivation of five specific metrics.

These metrics serve as quantifiable indicators, reflecting the students’ performance and progress in the realm of Social Emotional Learning, Character Development, Growth Mindset etc. The structured approach from data collection to metric formulation underscores a commitment to a thorough and systematic evaluation of students’ abilities in this domain. The integration of character themes and SEL aspects not only adds depth to the assessment but also aligns with a pedagogical approach that recognizes the importance of emotional intelligence in the educational journey.


The Kinesthetic Emotional Intelligence Quotient (KEQ) serves as the initial metric in the series of six, employing field data for evaluation. Student performance results are visually represented through a bar chart, incorporating color-coded elements for enhanced clarity.

The green baseline, starting at 50%, signifies the initial point from which each student progresses. The blue area of the chart reflects the marginal percentage improvement achieved during the term, offering a visual indicator of each student’s advancement. Concurrently, the yellow area delineates the target percentage that students are striving to attain over the specified period.

Expectations for students involve achieving a termly marginal improvement, emphasizing continuous progress. Collaboration with the partner school’s regular class teacher, who is present in the field during assessments, ensures a comprehensive and reliable evaluation of the students’ Kinesthetic Emotional Intelligence.

Crucially, the assessment process for KEQ is conducted in situ, immediately following the students’ participation in assigned activities during the class. This approach safeguards the integrity of the assessment, ensuring that K.I coaches or class teachers cannot independently generate numbers for students, reinforcing the authenticity and accuracy of the KEQ metrics.


In the analysis of the Kinesthetic Emotional Intelligence Quotient (KEQ) assessment results, specific guidelines are provided to understand and interpret each student’s performance:

1. 8% - 10% Marginal Improvement:

  • - Strength Indicator: This range signifies a notable strength for your ward.
  • - Recommendation: Encourage awareness of this skill, particularly in challenging situations at home. Continued work and reinforcement are advised to maintain and enhance this strength.

2. 5% - 7% Marginal Improvement:

  • - Moderate Ability Indicator: Your ward exhibits some ability in this skill.
  • - Recommendation: With additional practice, there is potential for improvement. Continued efforts and practice will contribute to further development in this area.

3. 2% - 4% Marginal Improvement:

  • - Developmental Area Indicator: This skill requires more time and attention for your ward to strengthen.
  • - Recommendation: The K.I coach will concentrate efforts on assisting your ward in developing and reinforcing this particular skill. Patience and focused attention will be key to progress in this area.

These nuanced insights provide a tailored approach for each student, acknowledging their strengths and areas for improvement. The focus on specific marginal improvement ranges facilitates a targeted strategy for further development, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each student’s Kinesthetic Emotional Intelligence.


The Social Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies, assessed through the Kinesthetic Emotional Intelligence Quotient (KEQ), aim to evaluate, measure, and predict the overall Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) of each student. Aligned with the five competencies of SEL, our approach involves categorizing the KIE 24-character themes under these competencies.

Each term, students engage with a minimum of two character themes associated with each of the five competencies of SEL. Using our internal metric system, we compute their performance with a maximum attainable score of 20% for each competency, collectively summing up to 100%. This structured approach provides a holistic assessment of students’ emotional intelligence across various dimensions.

It’s essential to note that the emphasis is not on achieving higher scores but on fostering continuous marginal improvement each term. The assessment results, representing these competencies, are elegantly visualized in a color-coded pie chart. This visual representation enhances comprehension, interpretation, and the overall appreciation of the students’ progress in developing their Emotional Intelligence.


Dr. Angela Duckworth’s exploration of strengths of heart, mind, and will resonates with Open Mind Africa’s educational philosophy, where these three dimensions are considered integral to holistic development. Open Mind Africa has taken a proactive approach by categorizing its Kinesthetic Emotional Intelligence (KEQ) character themes to align with these strengths.

Strength of heart, Open Mind Africa recognizes the importance of kindness, gratitude, Honesty, purpose etc. which are woven into the KIE character themes. These emotional and interpersonal strengths are integral to fostering positive relationships and collaborative skills, contributing significantly to students’ overall growth. Strength of mind, Open Mind Africa places emphasis on responsible decision making, curiosity and continues development, aligning with Dr. Duckworth’s notion of strengths in the mind. Strength of will, a central component of grit, is meticulously integrated into Open Mind Africa’s framework. The KEQ results provide a means to gauge and represent students’ determination, self-control, growth mindset, perseverance etc. in graph form. This graphical representation serves as a visual illustration of their progress in cultivating strengths of will, making it accessible and comprehensible for educators, students, and stakeholders alike.

By categorizing KIE character themes to embrace strengths of heart, mind, and will, and translating these results into visually appealing graphs, Open Mind Africa not only aligns with Dr. Duckworth’s insights but also provides a practical and accessible way to measure and appreciate students’ progress in these crucial dimensions of development.


The strategic integration of individual interests, purpose, and grit forms the cornerstone of our approach to cultivating success. Research consistently highlights that genuine passion stems from personal interests, and purpose, defined as contributing to the welfare of others, serves as a powerful motivator.

In line with this philosophy, we are introducing logbooks for students to document their evolving interests and purpose. Recognizing that interests can fluctuate at this stage of development, the logbook allows for dynamic exploration and refinement over time. This valuable tool aims to capture the evolving nature of students’ passions and purposes, providing a foundation for personalized growth.

To enhance comprehension and progress monitoring, we will utilize the logbook information to create visual representations. Interests will be represented in a bar chart, offering a clear snapshot of the variety and intensity of individual pursuits. Simultaneously, purpose will be graphically depicted in a linear graph, facilitating easy tracking of the alignment between personal aspirations and contributions to others.

This visual approach not only simplifies the complex interplay of interests and purpose but also empowers students to observe and reflect on their journey. As they witness the progression of their passions and the meaningful impact of their purposes, we believe they will be inspired to cultivate grit—perseverance in the face of challenges—making it an integral and tangible component of their path toward inevitable success.


In the pedagogical pursuit of honing students’ interests and purposes, our educational approach involves a meticulous progression towards refinement. Following an initial phase where students select multiple interests and define diverse purposes, our focus shifts towards guiding them to distill their choices to approximately two interests and two purposes, fostering a sense of clarity and specificity in their developmental journey.

Central to this process is the integration of deliberate practice, conceived as a positive state of mind characterized by an intrinsic desire for growth and a rejection of complacency. It transcends mere temporal investment and underscores the significance of strategic and purposeful engagement with tasks. Deliberate practice, within our paradigm, encompasses three critical components: Hope, Focused Bursts, and Growth Mindset.

Hope, in our educational context, is not contingent on chance but is rooted in resilience—a steadfast commitment to rising after setbacks. It hinges on the belief that individual efforts possess the transformative power to shape a more favorable future. Focused Bursts entails the imposition of self-set deadlines and the maintenance of unwavering attention on the defined purpose over a brief yet intensive timeframe. This deliberate concentration aims to optimize the efficiency of students’ efforts.

Growth Mindset emerges as the catalyst propelling the other components forward. It engenders optimistic perspectives in the face of adversity and encourages constructive self-dialogue. To reinforce Growth Mindset, students will be encouraged to articulate and document their approaches to navigating challenges in the pursuit of their defined purposes.

By weaving together these elements of deliberate practice, we aim to instill not only discipline and focus but also a resilient and optimistic outlook in our students. This pedagogical framework serves as a scaffold for purposeful skill development, fostering an environment where each challenge is viewed as an opportunity for growth and progress.


A guiding question is a cognitive tool that subtly directs one’s focus. It serves as an unspoken query persistently present in the recesses of our minds. Our educational approach involves instilling in students the practice of formulating and employing guiding questions pertinent to various stages and situations in their academic and personal journeys. Noteworthy is the observation that accomplished individuals, excelling both academically and professionally, often possess potent guiding questions that intricately guide their pursuits within and beyond the educational realm.

Our pedagogical framework encompasses furnishing students with distinct sets of guiding questions tailored to relevant scenarios inherent in their academic pursuits. This provision extends to dynamic updates to their guiding questions as they progress through our program. Our coaching methodology is attuned to identifying instances wherein students benefit from tailored guiding questions, thereby enhancing their productivity in specific situations.

Outlined below are exemplary guiding questions germane to students presently enrolled in our program:


  • What is important to spend my time on here?
  • What is important to know here?
  • How is this relevant in the real world?
  • How can I get the most out of this class?
  • How can I make this fun and interesting?


  • How can I work efficiently here?
  • How can I easily retain this knowledge?
  • How can I get this done quickly and at a high level?


  • How can I maximize my time here?
  • What school work can I squeeze in and get done here?


  • What do I need to focus on here?
  • What information here is the most important to know for the test?
  • How can I focus on what I don’t know here?
  • How can I easily retain this knowledge for the test?


  • How can I maximize my points here?
  • How can I best demonstrate what I know here?
  • How can I provide an A+ answer in the time I have here?


  • How can I proactively initiate conversations and build connections with new people?
  • What activities or interests can I explore to connect with like-minded individuals?
  • How can I enhance my communication skills to foster meaningful friendships?
  • What strategies can I employ to ensure inclusivity and make others feel welcome?
  • How can I establish and nurture trust in new friendships?


  • What specific goals or objectives do I aim to achieve when using the internet?
  • How can I critically evaluate and discern the reliability of online information?
  • What measures can I take to ensure my online activities are secure and protected?
  • How can I maintain a healthy balance between productive online activities and leisure?
  • What practices should I adhere to for respectful and responsible online interactions?


  • How can I plan weekend activities that align with my interests and provide relaxation?
  • What opportunities exist for socializing and spending quality time with friends or family over the weekend?
  • What activities can contribute to my personal growth and well-being during the weekend?
  • How can I incorporate activities that help me recharge and rejuvenate for the upcoming week?

- What new experiences or places can I explore to add variety to my weekend routine.